Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney Earns Coveted Republican Spokesperson Role on Senate Agriculture Committee

For the new 104th General Assembly, State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) has been elevated to the role of Republican Spokesperson on the Senate’s coveted Agriculture Committee.

“It is an honor to assume this leadership role on what I believe is one of the Senate’s most important committees,” said Chesney. “With agriculture as Illinois’ top industry, I will now have a larger role and voice in vetting legislation that helps our farmers and agribusinesses and an enhanced ability to express opposition to proposals Republicans believe would harm the industry. Spokesperson of Ag is a highly sought-after position, and I appreciate the caucus’ faith in my ability to lead.”

The marketing of Illinois’ agricultural products generates more than $51.1 billion annually, with crops accounting for 40% of that total. Illinois ranks fifth nationally in the export of agricultural goods and products, with approximately $10.6 billion in goods shipped to other countries.

Chris Davis, Director of State Legislation for the Illinois Farm Bureau, applauded the appointment and said Chesney is a fine choice for Republican Spokesperson. “I have known Senator Chesney for many years, he represents a vast agricultural district and has been a strong voice for agriculture in the past,” said Davis. “This promotion to the spokesperson position is a logical next step in his advocacy for the agriculture industry and I look forward to working with him.”

Chesney has an active Agriculture Advisory Committee which meets throughout the year to discuss priorities of the farming and ag community and for updates on policy proposals that could affect the industry.

“Northwest Illinois is home to hundreds of farms and agribusinesses and these agriculture leaders need a strong voice in Springfield,” Chesney said. “Crafting good public policy for Illinois’ #1 business is contingent on strong, two-way communication. I enjoy talking with experts, discussing issues with those directly involved and impacted, and gathering feedback and suggestions to ensure policy discussions result in beneficial legislation.”

The Senate Agriculture Committee will meet regularly throughout the spring legislative session between now and the end of May.

Photo ID (L-R): Chris Davis, ILFB Director of State Legislation, State Senator Andrew Chesney, Anna McKinley, ILFB Assistant Director of State Legislation, and Mark Raney, ILFB Associate Director of State Legislation.

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