Chesney Sponsors Legislation that Repeals the TRUST Act; Requires Law Enforcement to Coordinate with ICE
Last week I filed Senate Bill 1203, which would repeal the TRUST Act and prohibit any unit of government from adopting rules or policies that interfere with the enforcement of federal immigration laws.
Since taking office, Governor Pritzker has not only doubled down on policies that make it virtually impossible for law enforcement to work with federal immigration authorities to remove dangerous, illegal immigrants from our streets but has also directed our state’s law enforcement officers to obstruct federal law.
The TRUST Act that Governor Pritzker and his allies continue to actively support shields illegal immigrants in our prison system and in our communities from deportation. We need to foster stronger communication between law enforcement and federal authorities. Elements of the TRUST Act do the exact opposite.
Governor Pritzker isn’t protecting families, he’s protecting criminals. He continues to shield these illegal immigrant felons while leaving law enforcement officials out in the cold. If Governor Pritzker truly values public safety and the deportation of illegal immigrant felons, he will stop sending mixed messages and allow law enforcement to cooperate with ICE.
Click here to watch a video of my press conference remarks.
IPASS on Demand Comes to South Beloit TODAY
My IPASS on Demand events are continuing in the 45th District with an event scheduled for TODAY in South Beloit.
The Tollway is phasing out the plastic transponders we have in our cars and replacing them with stickers. Traditional transponders will continue to work for the time being, but these events allow people to make the switch quickly and conveniently, and without any disruption to their IPASS account or activity.
IPASS on Demand in South Beloit
Monday, February 3
3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Nature at the Confluence
306 Dickop Street, South Beloit
South Beloit Mayor Tom Fitzgerald is co-hosting today’s event with me.
There is no fee for switching over to the sticker technology and IPASS balances will be transferred to the new account. Additionally, attendees should bring their plastic transponder(s) with them and jot down their license plate number.
For additional information about this event, please contact my legislative office at (815) 232-0774 or email Lori at
Friday Deadline for Valentines for Seniors Approaches

We are receiving some really nice valentines for this year’s Valentines for Seniors program! The deadline for submissions is this Friday, February 7, and we could use more valentines to ensure every senior at an assisted living center or nursing home in the 45th District receives a special surprise this Valentine’s Day.
Cards and drawings can be mailed to or dropped off at my district office in Freeport between now and February 7. My office staff and I will personally deliver the cards and drawings on your behalf the week of Valentines Day.
Valentines can be dropped off or mailed to:
50 W. Douglas Street, Suite 1001
Freeport, IL 61032
Just a few minutes of your time will make big difference and brighten the day of a local senior!
Illinois Nears the Bottom in National Education Freedom Rankings
A recently released report ranks Illinois as 38th in the nation for education freedom. The 2025 Index of State Education Freedom by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), gives the state a “D” grade, due in part to the end of the Invest in Kids program, which provided scholarships for low-income students. Illinois did receive an “A” for its supportive homeschooling environment.
The index evaluates states on school choice, charter schools, homeschooling, virtual schooling, and financing programs that allow funding to follow students. Top-ranking states include Florida, Arizona, and Arkansas, while New York, Massachusetts, and Oregon ranked lowest.
I believe that Illinois desperately needs to launch a new program similar to “Invest in Kids,” to help students in failing schools by offering them a choice to attend another school where they can succeed and thrive.
Illinois Struggles with High Unemployment and Lagging Job Growth
Illinois’ job market remains sluggish, with an unemployment rate of 5.2% in December, the third highest in the nation. Approximately 340,000 residents were actively seeking work, outpacing only California and Nevada in unemployment. The national rate was 4.1%.
In 2024, Illinois added 56,000 jobs, but its growth rate of 0.92% lagged behind the national average of 1.42%. The state saw gains in government jobs and private education and health services, but key sectors such as manufacturing and finance experienced declines.
Illinois’ post-pandemic recovery remains weak, ranking 46th in the nation with only a 0.25% increase in jobs since January 2020. High taxes, a burdensome business environment, and rising housing costs are contributing to the state’s sluggish economic performance.
The key to reversing Illinois’ sluggish job market lies in comprehensive tax reform and fiscal responsibility, emphasizing the need to lower taxes, simplify regulations, and address the state’s budget and pension issues. By providing real relief to businesses and working families, Illinois can foster job growth, attract skilled workers, and restore economic vitality.