Andrew Chesney


Thank an Illinois Farmer

This time of year, motorists share the road with a special group of people who measure time by the acre rather than by the hour. Its harvest season in Illinois!

Agriculture is the top industry in Illinois and a key driver of our state’s economy. This is due to the rich, fertile soil, and temperate climate during growing season. According to the IL Department of Agriculture, about 75% of the state’s total land mass— 27 million acres, is dedicated to agriculture, and 96% of Illinois’ farms are family-owned.

The agriculture industry is also a primary source of jobs for those living in our state. Just under two million Illinoisans work in the industry, and our prime farmland, combined with the state’s river, rail, and road infrastructure only strengthens Illinois’ strong agricultural economy.

The Land of Lincoln is the nation’s top pumpkin producer, with more than 40% of the country’s pumpkins coming from this state. Last year Illinois produced over 645 million pounds of pumpkins, with the majority channeled toward processing and canning.

Illinois is also the nation’s top producer of soybeans and the second-largest producer of corn. Wheat, oats, apples, and pears are also grown in abundance in Illinois. Additionally, we cannot forget the importance of livestock, as Illinois is a leading producer of hogs, cattle, sheep, and goats.

The state is also a leader in agribusiness, the vast network of industries tied to agriculture. This includes the building and selling of farm machinery, seed production, food processing, transportation of farm-raised goods, and marketing. Of course, the pumpkin farms, fall festivals, farmers markets, apple picking farms and corn mazes that are so popular this time of year are other examples of agribusinesses in our state.

From now until late November, I would encourage everyone to be respectful and mindful of farmers who are moving farm implements and crops. Rather than being annoyed with slow-moving vehicles and machinery, I would ask people to be patient with farmers as they complete their work. Better yet, why not thank the farmers you see for the vital role they play in putting food on your table.

As farmers continue with their harvest work, I would encourage motorists to be on the lookout for farm implements. Remember, they can unexpectedly turn onto public roads from a field or driveway. Please be prepared to slow down to avoid rear-end collisions and keep a safe distance behind farm implements to ensure maximum visibility for both drivers and implement operators. If approaching a farm implement from either direction, keep in mind that these large pieces of machinery make wide turns. With a commitment toward safety and an understanding of the importance of harvest season, accidents can be avoided.

Agriculture generates over $51 billion annually in Illinois, and accounts for 1 out of every 10 dollars generated in the state. We have thousands of farms right here in Northwest Illinois, and many are generational farms going back well over 100 years. This harvest season and always, let’s appreciate Illinois farmers who work hard to put food on tables in Illinois and across the nation and world.

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