Andrew Chesney


Senator Chesney’s Week in Review

Legislation Empowers Sheriffs in 9-1-1 Emergency Systems

Legislation I supported that enables sheriffs to play a pivotal role in Illinois’ 9-1-1 emergency systems was recently signed into law.

House Bill 5128 amends the Emergency Telephone System Act to explicitly recognize sheriffs as eligible members of local 9-1-1 boards, ensuring their insights and leadership contribute to vital functions.

The legislation was crafted to recognize the expertise and insights of law enforcement officers by integrating them into the decision-making processes. 9-1-1 boards are deeply involved in planning, implementing, and maintaining local 9-1-1 systems. HB 5128 received unanimous support in both chambers earlier this spring and was signed into law by Governor JB Pritzker on July 19.


Savanna Community Connections Meeting Set for Wednesday, July 31

Just a reminder that I am continuing my series of Community Connections meetings in the 45th District with an event this week on Wednesday in Savanna. Joining me as a co-host of this event is Savanna Mayor Val Gunnarsson. Additional meetings will be held in Freeport, Oregon, and Elizabeth.

These town hall-style meetings have been very well received so far, and I would expect to continue seeing nice crowds at the four remaining events. Please mark your calendars now for an event close to you:

Savanna Community Connections Meeting
Wednesday, July 31
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Savanna City Hall
333 Chicago Ave, Savanna
Co-Hosted by Savanna Mayor Val Gunnarsson


Freeport Community Connections Meeting
Wednesday, August 28
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Stephenson County Farm Bureau Building
210 W. Spring Street, Freeport
Co-Hosted by Stephenson County Board Chairman Scott Helms


Oregon Community Connections Meeting
Thursday, September 12
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Nash Recreations Center (River Room)
304 South Fifth Street, Oregon
Co-Hosted by Oregon Mayor Ken Williams


Elizabeth Community Connections Meeting
Wednesday, September 11
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Elizabeth Village Hall
200 East Myrtle Street, Elizabeth
Co-Hosted by Jo Daviess County Board Chairman LaDon Trost,
Elizabeth Village President Jason Thomasson, and
Jo Daviess County Board Member Mike Dittmar

I will provide a brief update on the spring legislative session, but most importantly, those who attend will have an opportunity to ask questions about issues that matter to them and engage in on one-on-one conversations with the community leaders and me. For additional information about these meetings, please contact my office at (815) 232-0774 or email Lori at


Chesney-Supported Legislation that Aids Child Victims of Human Trafficking Signed into Law

Legislation that helps some child victims of human trafficking heal and move on with their lives following their trauma was recently signed into law. I was proud to support this legislation.

House Bill 5465 enhances previous legislation by simplifying the process for child trafficking victims to expunge or seal juvenile records resulting from any compelled criminal actions while under abuse. The bill received unanimous support in both chambers during the spring session.

Senate Republicans are actively promoting awareness about human trafficking and urge anyone with information on potential cases to contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888 to report suspicious activities in their communities.


Still Time to Take the Chesney Spring Survey
Completed surveys are arriving daily at my legislative office and I am enjoying reading the results. A digital version was also made available, and so far we have close to 2,000 digital surveys that have been submitted.

There are critical challenges that face our state, and legislators will be called on to take difficult votes. This new survey includes multiple choice and open-ended questions. Please take a moment to share your opinions on issues of importance and use the open-ended section to share additional opinions and feedback. Click here to access a digital version of the survey. My staff and I will review every submission, and we look forward to your participation.


Illinois DMV Services Disrupted by Global Technology Outage

A global technology outage affected all 138 DMV locations in Illinois recently, disrupting services across the state.

A routine update from the cybersecurity company CrowdStrike to Microsoft on its Windows devices triggered an enormous national technological outage on July 19. This led to widespread chaos that affected global businesses ranging from airports and banks to retail and law enforcement. This incident highlighted the weaknesses of a computerized world that is critically dependent on a few suppliers such as Microsoft.

Illinois residents are advised to verify the operational status of their desired DMV facility by calling 800-252-8980. Additionally, residents could expedite their services by visiting to complete tasks online.

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