Andrew Chesney


Senator Chesney’s Week in Review

Senator Chesney Offers Spring Survey
Now, more than ever, there are critical challenges that face our state. As the State Senator for the 45th District in Northwest Illinois, it is important to me that I gather input from my constituents on a regular basis. My Summer 2024 Survey was recently mailed to households across the district, but I also wanted to make it available digitally to any family that might not receive it in the mail.

Based on the recently-completed spring session and on policy initiatives that may come up during the fall veto session or next year during the 2025 session, this new survey includes multiple choice and open-ended questions. Please take a moment to share your opinions on issues of importance and use the open-ended section to share additional opinions and feedback. Click here to access a digital version of the survey. My staff and I will review every submission, and we look forward to your participation.


New Data Shows 87,000 Illinois Residents Flee the State

New data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that in 2022 alone, more than 87,000 Illinoisans, faced with some of the highest taxes in the nation, relocated to other states. This exodus saw nearly $10 billion in income leaving Illinois, significantly impacting the state’s economic landscape. The City of Chicago earned the unfortunate, yet unsurprising, distinction of having the third-highest rate of domestic population loss in the country.

Illinois’ high tax burden has long been a critical factor driving residents to seek refuge in more tax-friendly states. This spring, Governor J.B. Pritzker made it clear that working families are unlikely to see meaningful tax cuts any time soon, signing nearly $1 billion in tax hikes into law to fund spending on the migrant/illegal immigrant crisis he invited.


New Illinois Law Ensures Educational Continuity for Children in DCFS Care

Children in the care of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) will face fewer disruptions when being removed from their homes under a new law sponsored by Illinois Senate Republicans. This law, which I was proud to support, represents a significant step forward in stabilizing the lives of these vulnerable children, prioritizing their educational continuity and well-being.

Senate Bill 2824 ensures that children, whenever possible, can continue attending their current school even after being placed with a different parent or relative. The aim is to provide a sense of stability and normalcy during an otherwise tumultuous time in their lives. The importance of maintaining the same school environment cannot be overstated, as it allows children to retain their friends, teachers, and support systems, which are crucial for their emotional and academic development.

Additionally, the new law includes a provision to protect caregivers from added financial burden. If it is deemed to be in the best interest of the child to attend a different school, the law stipulates that no out-of-district school tuition can be charged to the relative caregiver or foster parent.

Senate Bill 2824 passed unanimously in the Senate and House and was signed into law on July 1. The provisions take effect on January 1, 2025.


Chesney-Sponsored Legislation to Align Education with Workforce Needs Becomes Law

Legislation aimed at bridging the gap between college and Illinois’ evolving workforce needs was signed into law earlier this month, marking a pivotal step toward aligning academic programs with the state’s dynamic economic landscape.

Senate Bill 2862, a bill for which I served as a Chief Co-Sponsor, requires the Illinois Board of Higher Education to release an annual comprehensive list of the most in-demand jobs in the state. This proactive measure will equip educators with information on job trends that will help better prepare students for successful careers in Illinois’ rapidly changing job market. It’s an initiative that not only benefits students but also strengthens the state’s economy by fostering a workforce that is well-equipped to meet the needs of employers.

The comprehensive job list will be publicly accessible via the Board of Higher Education’s official website. After passing the General Assembly unanimously earlier this year, the measure was signed into law on July 1 and took effect immediately.


Community Connections Meeting Set for July 31 in Savanna
As a reminder, I am continuing my series of Community Connections meetings in the 45th District with upcoming events in Savanna, Freeport, Oregon, and Elizabeth. Next up is a July 31 event in Savanna that will be co-hosted by Savanna Mayor Val Gunnarsson.

I’ve held three of these town hall-style meetings so far and all have been very well attended so far. Remaining events include:

Savanna Community Connections Meeting
Wednesday, July 31
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Savanna City Hall
333 Chicago Ave, Savanna
Co-Hosted by Savanna Mayor Val Gunnarsson


Freeport Community Connections Meeting
Wednesday, August 28
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Stephenson County Farm Bureau Building
210 W. Spring Street, Freeport
Co-Hosted by Stephenson County Board Chairman Scott Helms


Oregon Community Connections Meeting
Thursday, September 12
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Nash Recreations Center (River Room)
304 South Fifth Street, Oregon
Co-Hosted by Oregon Mayor Ken Williams


Elizabeth Community Connections Meeting
Wednesday, September 11
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Elizabeth Village Hall
200 East Myrtle Street, Elizabeth
Co-Hosted by Jo Daviess County Board Chairman LaDon Trost,
Elizabeth Village President Jason Thomasson, and
Jo Daviess County Board Member Mike Dittmar

As with the first three events, I will provide a brief update on the spring legislative session, including the budget and some bills that passed. Most importantly, those who attend will have an opportunity to ask questions about issues that matter to them and engage in on one-on-one conversations with the community leaders and me. For additional information about these meetings, please contact my office at (815) 232-0774 or email Lori at


Chesney Reminds Professional License-Holders Not to Delay in Renewing Licensure

My office hears regularly from professionals who get caught up in bureaucratic red tap when applying for or attempting to renew a professional license through the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation. Several professional licenses, included those listed in the graphic, expire on September 30 of this year.

I would encourage license-holders to act now to renew their licenses to avoid lapses in coverage. Those who need to apply for professional licenses are also urged to give plenty of time for processing due to long lag times that have been reported to my office.

My talented staff is able to provide assistance in cases where licenses are taking an unreasonable amount of time to be renewed or processed. Let us know if we can help!

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