Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney’s Week in Review: New Year, New Laws Edition

Chesney Comments on Biden Commutations Makes National Fox News

Outgoing President Joe Biden recently took action to commute the prison sentences of some 1,500 convicted criminals and issued full pardons to 39 others convicted of crimes. It was the largest number of commutations by a president in a single day in our nation’s history.

Included on his list of criminals receiving clemency was former Dixon Comptroller Rita Crundwell, who pled guilty in 2012 to stealing $54 million from taxpayers in what is considered to be the largest act of municipal theft in U.S. History. Shortly after learning Crundwell would walk free after serving less than half of her sentence, I issued this statement:

“Outgoing President Joe Biden’s decision to commute the sentence of Rita Crundwell is nothing short of a slap in the face to the people of Dixon and the surrounding areas. Her crimes did not only affect the taxpayers of Dixon, but they had a rippling effect across the region and state, as communities became subject to stricter, more tedious regulations. First it was the pardoning of his son, and now Biden is apparently extending clemency to anyone with political connections, including corrupt government employees. It’s sickening.”

My comments were picked up by several national news outlets, including the Associated Press and the National Fox News desk.


New Laws Taking Effect January 1, 2025

With this being my last newsletter of the year, I would like to provide some information about some of the new laws that will take effect on January 1, 2025. Some are beneficial and I was glad to support them, but many represented a continuation of the majority party’s liberal agenda.

When we ring in the New Year, 293 new laws will take effect. With the exception of the increase to the minimum wage and the three “bad bills” at the bottom of the list, I voted in favor of these measures.


Final Step for Minimum Wage Increase

Starting January 1, the final step in the phased-in minimum wage increase that began in 2019 under Senate Bill 1 (P.A. 101-0001) will take effect. The new $15 per hour rate applies to workers aged 18 and older, ensuring higher wages for many Illinois residents and higher costs for employers, at a time when IL lags the rest of the country in new non-government job creation.


Expanded Consumer Protections

Senate Bill 3342 (P.A. 103-0976) mandates that state and local governments provide public notice at least 24 hours before applying pesticides in public rights-of-way located in municipalities, helping protect residents from unexpected chemical exposure.

Senate Bill 2933 (PA 103-0648) prohibits a consumer reporting agency to make, create, or furnish any consumer report or credit reporting containing information that the consumer reporting agency knows or should know relates to medical debt incurred by the consumer.


Updates for Drivers and Motorists

House Bill 4592 (P.A. 103-0824) allows Illinois residents to obtain mobile identification cards and driver’s licenses through the Secretary of State.

Senate Bill 2740 (P.A. 103-0916) ensures condominium associations must make reasonable accommodations for accessible parking spaces. The board of managers must make reasonable efforts to facilitate a resolution between unit owners to provide for accessible parking when the association does not own or otherwise control parking.


Education and School Safety

House Bill 5394 (P.A. 103-0608) requires school personnel to receive cardiac emergency response training to better prepare for medical emergencies.  Additionally, school districts and private schools must establish a cardiac emergency response plan in accordance with the American Heart Association, or other nationally recognized evidence-based guidelines.

Senate Bill 2824 (P.A. 103-0629) closes the loophole and ensures that all children who have been removed from their homes by DCFS are able to attend their original school district, if determined by DCFS to be in the best interest of the child. This includes situations where a student is moving from elementary to middle school, or from middle school to high school.

Senate Bill 3571 (P.A. 103-1019) ensures all Illinois schools have automated external defibrillators available during the school day and extracurricular activities.


Insurance Regulation Updates

House Bill 5559 (P.A. 103-0615) requires insurance companies to provide detailed explanations of how total loss determinations are made in vehicle claims, offering transparency to policyholders.

Senate Bill 2697 (P.A. 103-0914) mandates coverage for clinical genetic testing and evidence-based cancer imaging under group health insurance plans, capping cost-sharing at a maximum of $50 for related services when cost-sharing isn’t already prohibited under federal law.

House Bill 4789 (P.A. 103-0832) updates provisions for dental provider network assignments and clarifies prior authorization procedures to reduce claim denials.

Senate Bill 3130 (P.A. 103-0777) modernizes Illinois’ State-Based Marketplace to align with federal requirements, adding features such as prescription drug copay caps and improved network adequacy for behavioral health and dental providers.


Enhanced Justice and Public Safety

House Bill 4589 (P.A. 103-0677) targets catalytic converter theft by enhancing penalties and increasing accountability for metal recyclers who buy and sell catalytic converters.

Senate Bill 3201 (P.A. 103-0949) requires police officers to receive training on autism awareness to improve interactions with individuals on the spectrum.

House Bill 4350 (P.A. 103-0813) mandates hotels, motels, tattoo and body piercing establishments, bus stations, and general acute care hospital emergency rooms display information on how children can report physical and sexual abuse.

House Bill 4255 (P.A. 103-0667) allows tow trucks and other emergency vehicles to use green lights for better visibility at emergency scenes.


Support for Veterans and Military Families

House Bill 2856 (P.A. 103-0406) death certificates can now include details about a deceased individual’s military service, helping families access survivor benefits.

Senate Bill 2751 (P.A. 103-0621) waives building permit fees for home modifications needed to accommodate disabled veterans.

Senate Bill 2959 (P.A. 103-0933) provides Gold Star Family designations on state IDs and free admission to state museums like the Shedd Aquarium and the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.

House Bill 4757 (P.A. 103-0828) requires the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs and the Illinois Department of Labor to create and make available, at no cost, a poster highlighting free veterans’ benefits and services.

Senate Bill 3479 (P.A. 103-0783) makes it an unlawful practice for any person providing veteran or military benefits services to fail to clearly provide, both orally and in writing, veterans services disclosures when veteran or military benefits services are provided in exchange for any financial compensation, benefit, or thing of value.


Workplace Changes

Senate Bill 3207 (P.A. 103-0952) authorizes daycare centers to operate for 24 hours and provide care for children for up to 12 hours if the parent of the child is employed in a position that requires regularly scheduled shifts. A 10-hour period must elapse between daycare visits.

House Bill 5546 (P.A. 103-0614) modernizes underground utility protections by requiring excavation notifications through JULIE, ensuring safe digging practices.


Advancements in Public Safety

House Bill 5370 (P.A. 103-0711) strengthens Scott’s Law by increasing penalties for drivers who fail to move over for emergency or construction vehicles.

Senate Bill 2683 (P.A. 103-0760) expands stalking protections by prohibiting the use of electronic tracking systems without consent.

House Bill 4623 (PA 103-0825) clarifies that Illinois’ child pornography laws apply to images and videos created by artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

House Bill 5465 (PA 103-0717) creates an easier process for child victims of trafficking to have their juvenile records expunged or sealed as a result of any criminal acts they were forced to take part in while being abused.


Public Health and Wellbeing

House Bill 2443 (P.A. 103-0530) extends hearing aid coverage to all ages, while House Bill 3639 (P.A. 103-0454) caps the cost of epinephrine twin-packs at $60.

Senate Bill 2672 (P.A. 103-0758) ensures brand-name drug coverage when generic options are unavailable due to supply issues.

House Bill 5087 (P.A. 103-0849) expands access to physical therapy through telehealth, addressing care access issues statewide.

House Bill 4942 (P.A. 103-0842) makes various changes to coroner reporting when dealing with fentanyl-related deaths.


Bad Bills of 2025

Unfortunately, there was no shortage of bad bills that passed in 2024 and will take effect in 2025. Below are three bills that I vocally opposed when they came before the Senate.

House Bill 4409 (P.A. 103-0728) amends the Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009. Changes references from “offenders” to “justice-impacted individuals.”

House Bill 2350 (PA 103-0030) amends the Illinois Insurance Code to remove gendered terms from the Section regarding coverage for pap tests and prostate cancer screenings.

House Bill 4819 (PA 103-0834) requires the Department of Corrections to provide “gender neutral” lactation rooms for personnel who identify as lactating individuals.


To view the full list of new laws taking effect on January 1, 2025, click here.

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