Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney’s Week in Review

Illinois Unemployment Remains 3rd Highest in Nation as Governor Travels the Country

Illinoisans continue to struggle to make ends meet as the rising cost of groceries and other daily necessities puts an ongoing strain on family budgets. But as the state’s unemployment rate remains the third highest in the nation, Governor JB Pritzker continues to travel across the country to raise his national profile.

We cannot forget that taxes have skyrocketed under Pritzker’s leadership, and state spending has increased by 32% during his time in office. Some of these tax hikes have Illinois citizens footing the bill for more than a billion dollars per year on programs for migrants and illegal immigrants. Also of primary concern are rising crime rates across the state and the Governor and his allies’ unwillingness to stiffen penalties for those committing crimes.

The Governor needs to quit chasing the limelight and re-shift his focus back to Illinois and its residents.


Chesney Hosts Successful Community Connections Event in Savanna

Thank you to everyone who came out to my community connections meeting last week in Savanna. I appreciate Mayor Val Gunnarsson for co-hosting the event and also Police Chief Don Stephens for attending.

We had a productive conversation about challenges facing the State of Illinois and I enjoyed learning more about the issues that are important to those living in and around Savanna.

Next up on the Community Connections Tour is an August 28 event in Freeport.


Legislation Aims to Restore Critical Funding for Soil and Water Conservation Districts

Senate Republicans have introduced a bill to reinstate $4 million in critical funding for soil and water conservation districts (SWCD) that had been cut from the budget by Governor Pritzker. These districts work to protect Illinois’ valuable soil and water resources through strategic conservation efforts.

The legislation, Senate Bill 3946, responds to a significant reduction in funding for soil and water conservation districts in Pritzker’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget. The bill addresses this challenge by reallocating funds through the Partners for Conservation Fund, highlighting the indispensable role of SWCDs in environmental stewardship.

This crucial legislation aims to ensure these essential districts can continue their vital work in environmental protection and sustainable resource management.


FBI Warning Illinois Residents about the Danger of ‘Jugging’

As crime rates have increased in recent years, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is alerting Illinois residents about a significant rise in a specific type of robbery known as “jugging.” This tactic involves criminals following and attacking individuals after they withdraw cash from ATMs.

The FBI has issued a warning about the alarming uptick in these incidents, emphasizing the need for heightened awareness and vigilance. To safeguard yourself from these attacks, the FBI recommends being mindful of vehicles near ATMs, regularly monitoring your surroundings for suspicious activity, avoiding distractions while using the ATM, and keeping your money out of sight.

Given the rise in “jugging” incidents in Illinois, it is crucial to stay vigilant and cautious to protect yourself.

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