Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney to Serve on Key Committees that Oversee Legislation Impacting Farming & Agriculture

In Illinois, agriculture is a critical component of the state’s economy, with the industry providing over one million jobs for Illinois families. As bills begin moving through the 2023 legislative process in Springfield, State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) will have a key voice on committees that will consider legislation that would impact this vital sector of the state’s economy.

“It is a privilege to be assigned to the Senate Agriculture and Environment & Conservation Committees,” said Chesney. “The 45th Senate District is home to an abundance of rich farmland that produces food for Illinois, the nation, and world, and as lawmakers we must protect this industry and those who work within it. I look forward to having a hand in the creation of policy that helps our farming families and agribusinesses, and halts measures that could threaten their livelihoods.”

He continued, “Legislation that could negatively affect agriculture is typically assigned to the Environment & Conservation Committee, so I am pleased to be the ranking Republican on this panel. Along with the other Republicans on this committee, we will be an important check on extreme environmental legislation. We will work to ensure environmental protection is done responsibly and reasonably, and not at the expense of the farm families and the greater agricultural community.”

For the 103rd General Assembly, Senator Chesney will also serve on the Financial Institutions, Labor, Public Health, and Appropriations- Public Safety & Infrastructure Committees.

“I look forward to serving on all of these committees and am additionally excited about my appointment to the Financial Institutions Committee,” added Chesney. “This committee hears important legislation that deals with regulatory issues tied to banking and credit unions, and it’s also a committee where we consider legislation that addresses consumer fraud. I’m glad I will have a seat at the table as we discuss these and other important topics.”

Committee hearing schedules are posted to, and can be accessed by clicking on the Committees link under the Senate tab.

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