Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney Champions Legislation Prohibiting the Adoption of Policies that Hinder Federal Deportation Efforts

State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) stood with two of his Senate Republican colleagues on Tuesday to unveil legislation that addresses flawed laws that allow illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes to remain in Illinois communities. Joining Chesney in the Capitol Press Room on Tuesday were State Senators Neil Anderson (R-Andalusia) and Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro).

Chesney’s Senate Bill 1203, known as the “Immigration Enforcement Act,” would prohibit any unit of government from adopting rules or policies that interfere with the enforcement of federal immigration laws. SB 1202 would also repeal the state’s TRUST Act, which prohibits law enforcement from coordinating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, in its entirety.

“Since taking office, Governor Pritzker has not only doubled down on policies that make it virtually impossible for law enforcement to work with federal immigration authorities to remove dangerous, illegal immigrants from our streets but has also directed our state’s law enforcement officers to obstruct federal law,” said Chesney. “He’s done everything but roll out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, all while tying the hands of law enforcement behind their backs. It’s a masterclass in how not to govern.”

Similar legislation would require state law enforcement agencies to cooperate with ICE, ensuring that undocumented immigrants charged with or convicted of felonies are identified, reported, and deported. Both bills were filed in response to Governor JB Pritzker’s insistence that Department of Corrections (DOC) employees and other representatives from law enforcement follow the TRUST Act and not assist ICE officials with efforts to deport illegal immigrant felons in the state’s prison system.

“Our Governor needs to stop talking out of both sides of his mouth,” said Chesney. “He claims he wants illegal immigrants who have committed crimes to be deported yet he simultaneously distributes memos to DOC employees and police and sheriffs’ departments letting them know they are forbidden from working with federal immigration officials or alerting them that an illegal immigrant is in custody, in prison, or up for parole.”

The Illinois Attorney General also recently distributed a two-page memo reminding law enforcement officials that the TRUST Act prohibits them from participating, supporting, or assisting in any capacity with an immigration agent’s enforcement operations. The only exception to the prohibition is when a federal warrant has been issued.

“If DOC personnel are prohibited from alerting ICE when an illegal immigrant is in prison or is about to be released, how are ICE officials supposed to know the names of individuals for whom they should obtain federal warrants?” Chesney said. “The law Governor Pritzker and his allies continue to actively support shields illegal immigrants in our prison system from deportation. We need to foster stronger communication between law enforcement and federal authorities. Elements of the TRUST Act do the exact opposite.”

Chesney continued, “JB Pritzker isn’t protecting families, he’s protecting criminals. He continues to shield these illegal immigrant felons while leaving law enforcement officials out in the cold. If Governor Pritzker truly values public safety and the deportation of illegal immigrant felons, he will stop sending mixed messages and allow law enforcement to cooperate with ICE.”

Click here to watch a video of Senator Chesney’s press conference remarks.

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