Andrew Chesney


Northwest Illinois Values on Full Display and Represented at the State Capitol

As your Senator of the 45th District, I am privileged to be the legislative voice of about 220,000 citizens in Northwest Illinois. I gauge opinions and priorities by reaching out to the public through mailed surveys, town hall meetings, telephone town hall events, conversations at coffee shops and other places where people gather, or by simply stopping by your door for a quick chat.

The results of these efforts are three-fold. First, they ensure my constituency is appropriately represented in Springfield. Secondly, people’s responses offer opportunities for further conversation when there are differences in opinion. Third, the collection of priorities helps to create the legislative agenda that drives my activity and issue advocacy at the State Capitol.

Here is what I know about the VALUES of Northwest Illinois:

In Northwest Illinois, we support Agriculture, its importance as Illinois’ #1 industry, and its vital role in job creation and as an economic driver in our region. In the Senate, I support and sponsor legislation that helps farmers and farming families, like SB 140, which would eliminate the estate tax. I also fight against legislation that places restrictions and unfunded mandates on the farming community, such as SB 771, which would grant the State sweeping authority over private land.

We fiercely defend our police. Our respect and admiration for the men and women in blue run deep, and we believe in the need to keep our communities safe. We back the blue at every turn. My Chief Co-Sponsorship of the “Fund the Police Act” (SB 1858) would allocate funds to assist with hiring, rehiring, and retention of officers, funding for mandates handed down from Springfield, and training, mental health care, and more.

Similarly, we believe that illegal actions should have consequences, that prison sentences should suit the severity of crimes, and that victims’ rights should always outweigh the rights of the convicted. This core belief drove my opposition to the SAFE-T Act, its attacks on our criminal justice system, its prioritization of criminals over victims, and its disregard for those responsible for apprehending suspected criminals.

Northwest Illinoisans believe that law-abiding gun owners deserve the full support and protections guaranteed by the Second Amendment and that the government should stop infringing upon those rights. That’s why I am a Chief Co-Sponsor of SB 1694, which would repeal the FOID. We also believe, however, that criminals, those who want to cause harm, and the mentally unstable should not have access to firearms.

We believe in putting citizens first, ahead of migrants and illegal immigrants. We believe the role of government is, first and foremost, to ensure the vulnerable among us, including the developmentally and intellectually disabled, seniors, and veterans, are well cared for and that the best healthcare available in Illinois should go to Illinois citizens and not to those crossing into the United States via the southern border. I filed SB 3596 to repeal the law that provides free healthcare for migrants/illegal immigrants and to repeal the TRUST Act of 2017, which prohibits law enforcement from working with federal immigration officials on immigration issues.

In Northwest Illinois, we support and value our veterans. We respect their service and recognize the need to assist when they return from duty. My Chief Co-Sponsorship of SB 1377 would assist with enhanced access to mental health care.

We believe every life is precious. That’s why I am co-sponsoring SB 1914, which would require all physicians who perform abortions to offer patients seeking the procedure after eight weeks of gestation the opportunity to receive an ultrasound. I have opposed all measures that allow or expand taxpayer funding and access to abortion services.

Lastly, we firmly believe America is the greatest country on Earth. We stand for our flag and the National Anthem and respect the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it does represent the core conservative values and opinions that are registered with my office on a regular basis. I will continue to seek my constituents’ views and priorities, always do my best to bring the Northwest Illinois voice to the Illinois State Senate, and frequently remind the Democrat Majority of our Northwest Illinois Values!

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