Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney Seeks Stronger Ethics through 2023 Legislative Agenda

State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) wants to raise the ethical bar for state-level public officials by strengthening penalties for those found guilty of public corruption or other serious crimes. “Unblemished ethics should be at the center of everything we do as lawmakers in the Illinois General Assembly,” said Chesney. “Unfortunately, all too often we have […]

The Rules of the Legislative Game

Friday, February 10 marked the 2023 bill filing deadline in Springfield, and at the end of the day there were 2,442 Senate Bills and 2,000 House Bills filed. Almost all are bills of substance seeking a legislative change. About a dozen of these bills are mine, and they address a variety of issues that those […]

Senator Chesney’s Week in Review

Governor Proposes $3 Billion Spending Increase During Budget Address On Feb. 15, Governor JB Pritzker proposed his fifth budget to the Illinois General Assembly during his annual Budget and State of the State Address. While he painted an idealistic image of Illinois’ fiscal outlook, he failed to address the looming realities the Illinois economy is […]

Senator Andrew Chesney Blasts Pritzker Spending Plan

On February 15, Governor JB Pritzker presented his combined State of the State and Budget Address before a joint session of the Illinois Senate and House. During the 55-minute speech, Governor Pritzker outlined a $49.6 billion General Fund spending plan for Fiscal Year 2024, which includes a new, permanent spending increase of nearly $3 billion, […]

Senator Chesney and Representative Cabello File Bills in the Senate and House to “Void the FOID”

Two Northwest Illinois lawmakers are renewing their fight to eliminate a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card system they claim adds an unfair layer of bureaucracy and financial strain to Illinoisans who want to exercise their constitutionally-guaranteed Second Amendment rights. State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) and State Representative John Cabello (R-Machesney Park) have filed similar legislation […]

Senator Chesney’s Week in Review

Income from Pritzker’s Election-Year Tax Rebate Checks Not Federally Taxed, IRS Announces The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now telling Illinois taxpayers to go ahead and file their 2022 tax returns. This comes after the federal agency was encouraging Illinoisans to hold off on filing while they could determine whether the special, one-time property tax […]

The Phasing Out of Police Protections in Illinois

Over the last several years, there has been a gradual diminishment in the role law enforcement plays in keeping communities safe, and the system that administers justice to those convicted of crimes. This attack on our criminal justice system and the men and women whose job it is to apprehend criminals has been deliberately phased. […]

Senator Chesney’s Week in Review

Senate Republicans Stand Firm Against Progressive Tax Hike On January 25, State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) stood with his Senate Republican colleagues as they announced the filing of Senate Resolution 27, which calls on the Illinois Senate to reject any progressive income tax measure that is introduced in the 103rd General Assembly. In 2020, voters from […]

Senator Chesney Co-Sponsors Legislation Rejecting Progressive Income Tax

State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) stood with his Senate Republican colleagues on Wednesday as they announced the filing of Senate Resolution 27, which calls on the Illinois Senate to reject any progressive income tax measure that is introduced in the 103rd General Assembly. “When voters from 101 of Illinois’ 102 counties soundly reject a constitutional amendment, […]