Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney’s Week in Review

Chesney Fall Survey Reaffirms Northwest Illinois Conservative Values
Several weeks ago I mailed a fall survey to households across the 45th Senate District. The survey was mailed without regard to political affiliation. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and others received it to ensure accurate results. While the results cannot be considered “scientific,” they do provide an excellent representation of how those living in this region feel about issues of importance that involve state government. The results also help guide my advocacy during policy discussions at the Capitol.

In addition to being mailed, the fall survey was also made available in a digital format so people could answer the questions and provide feedback online. Well over 2,700 responses were received, and I thank those who took the time to participate.

I am happy to report that the results align with how I have been voting in Springfield. Click here to view the full survey results.


Senator Chesney Named Champion of Illinois Manufacturers

I am pleased to announce that I was recently named a “Champion of Manufacturing” on the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association’s (IMA) 2024 Legislative Report Card, which highlights lawmakers who consistently support Illinois’ manufacturing industry.

The IMA’s Report Card rates lawmakers based on their voting record on key bills that impact the state’s manufacturing sector. It showcases where lawmakers stand relative to support Illinois’ manufacturing economy and the jobs it creates.

As the manufacturing sector employs over 600,000 people in the state, ensuring that manufacturers have a strong voice in Springfield helps safeguard a cornerstone of Illinois’ economy and a major job creator in the state. To see a full list of bills evaluated by the IMA for the 2024 Legislative Report Card, click here.


Community Connections Tour Concludes with Events in Elizabeth and Oregon This Week

My Community Connections Tour will conclude this week with events in Elizabeth on September 11 and in Oregon on September 12. The September 11 event will be co-hosted by Jo Daviess County Board Chairman LaDon Trost, Elizabeth Village President Jason Thomasson, and Jo Daviess County Board member Mike Dittmar, and the September 12 meeting will be co-hosted by Oregon Mayor Ken Williams.

We have had large turnouts at every meeting so far, and I have enjoyed talking with my constituents about the issues that are important to them. I hope to see a lot of constituents at these two final meetings.

As I have done at the other meetings, I will provide a brief legislative update, and the majority of the time will be spent on a question and answer session. For additional information about the final two Community Connection events, please call my office at (815) 232-0774.


Chesney Attends Ogle County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting

I enjoyed attending the Ogle County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting last week. The farmers in Northwest Illinois are some of the hardest-working people in our state, and I was glad to have an opportunity to talk with Ogle County leaders about issues that are important to them.

I am shown in this photo with Ogle County Farm Bureau President Keith Poole and Illinois Farm Bureau Vice President Evan Hultine.


Cost of Living Continues to Skyrocket for Illinoisans

Illinois residents continue to face significant increases to their cost of living. The latest report from Insurify reveals that Illinois’ car insurance rates have skyrocketed by 46% since 2023. Illinois now ranks among the top five states for year-over-year car insurance increases, putting additional financial strain on families already dealing with rising expenses and increased tax burdens.

The report also ranked Illinois fifth in the nation for car thefts last year alone. These rising costs are yet another consequence of the state’s failure to effectively address public safety, impacting the well-being and financial security of Illinois families.

These alarming insurance hikes are not the only financial burden Illinoisans face. The state continues to be the least tax-friendly state in the nation and has some of the highest property taxes in the country, adding to the strain on families trying to make ends meet.


Federal Judge Strikes Down Concealed Carry Ban on Public Transit

On August 30, a federal judge in Rockford ruled the state’s prohibition on carrying concealed weapons on public transportation and in public transportation facilities was unconstitutional. It is important to note, however, that the ruling only applies to the four plaintiffs named in the suit who will be allowed to conceal carry on CTA and Metra.

The ruling is significant because it opens the door for other properly licensed CCL holders to challenge the constitutionality of Illinois’s ban on concealed carry on public transit.

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