Andrew Chesney


Senator Andrew Chesney Denounces Pritzker Decision to Divert $160 Million in DHS Funds Toward Migrant Crisis

On Thursday, Governor Pritzker announced a decision to divert $160 million from the state’s Department of Human Services budget to programs that provide assistance to immigrants arriving in Chicago. Upon hearing the announcement, State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport) issued the following statement:

“Governor Pritzker should not be surprised that asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are coming to Illinois by the busload. The word is out that Illinois is a Sanctuary State that offers free healthcare, driver’s licenses, housing assistance and other benefits to non-citizens. These are taxpayer funds that he is diverting, and it’s time he reexamined his priorities and worked harder to ensure those who live and pay taxes here are taken care of first.

“The flow of migrants into Chicago is a direct response to weak border and immigration policies and state-level leadership that has repeatedly rolled out the welcome mat for non-citizens. I do not support the use of taxpayer funds to assist with the crisis at our border and in Chicago.”

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